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And family together to eat the dinner on New Year\'s Eve,red envelopes(和家人在一起吃年夜饭,拿红包)

During the Spring Festival, one common activity is for families to gather together and enjoy a special dinner on New Year\'s Eve. This tradition symbolizes reunion and is a time for family members to strengthen their bonds. Additionally, it is customary to give and receive red envelopes during this festive season. These red envelopes contain money, and they are usually given to younger family members as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the upcoming year.


1. Have big meals: During the Spring Festival, people indulge in delicious and abundant meals. It is a time to savor traditional dishes and delicacies that are prepared specifically for this festive occasion. The meals typically include a variety of dishes that showcase the flavors and regional specialties of different Chinese cuisines.

2. Receive lucky money: One of the most exciting parts of the Spring Festival for children is the tradition of receiving red envelopes filled with money. This gesture is seen as a way to bring good luck and prosperity for the new year. Children eagerly anticipate these red envelopes and often use the money to buy treats or save it for future use.

3. Meet relatives and friends: The Spring Festival is a time for people to reconnect with their extended family members and friends. People travel long distances to visit their hometowns and spend quality time with their loved ones. It is a joyful and lively period where people exchange greetings, catch up on each other\'s lives, and strengthen their relationships.

4. Go traveling: Many people take advantage of the long holiday break during the Spring Festival to embark on vacations. This is a popular time to explore domestic or international destinations. China\'s picturesque landscapes, cultural heritage sites, and festive atmosphere make it an ideal time for travel and exploration.

5. Play computer games: In recent years, playing computer games has become a popular activity during the Spring Festival, especially among younger generations. Online gaming competitions and interactive virtual worlds provide entertainment and a sense of community. It is a way for people to relax, have fun, and engage in friendly competition with friends and strangers alike.


What do you usually do during the Spring festival?请及时采用答案哦

When it comes to the Spring Festival, everyone has their own unique traditions and activities. For me personally, during the Spring Festival, I enjoy spending time with my family, exchanging blessings and well wishes. We gather around a table filled with delicious food, symbolizing abundance and prosperity for the year ahead. It is a time to cherish the company of loved ones, reflect on the past year, and set new goals and aspirations for the upcoming year.


The Spring Festival is full of vibrant customs and activities, each with its own significance. Here are a few examples:

1. Putting up couplets: People decorate their houses by hanging red scrolls with poetic verses on their doors and walls. These couplets usually express good wishes for the new year and bring blessings of good luck and fortune.

2. Setting off fireworks: The tradition of setting off fireworks during the Spring Festival dates back centuries. The loud noises and colorful displays of fireworks are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck and happiness. It is a spectacular sight that fills the night sky, creating a festive and joyous atmosphere.

3. Making dumplings: Making and eating dumplings, or jiaozi, is a popular tradition during the Spring Festival. Families often gather together to wrap dumplings with various fillings, usually a combination of meat and vegetables. Dumplings symbolize wealth and good fortune, and they are enjoyed as a delicious treat during this festive season.

4. Telling stories and legends: The Spring Festival is a time for storytelling and passing down cultural heritage. Folktales and legends are shared among family and friends, emphasizing moral values, traditions, and historical events. These stories not only entertain but also serve as a way to preserve and celebrate Chinese culture and customs.


Spring festival is a time-honored and cherished tradition for the Chinese people. It holds immense cultural and historical significance. During this festival, family is at the center of everything. People make a great effort to travel and reunite with their loved ones, no matter the distance. This demonstrates the importance of family values and strong social connections in Chinese culture.

Moreover, the Spring Festival represents a fresh start and new beginnings. It marks the transition from winter to spring, symbolizing the renewal of life. It is a time for people to set new goals and aspirations, and to leave behind any negativity from the past. The festive atmosphere, the vibrant red decorations, and the lively traditions all contribute to a sense of optimism and hope for a prosperous year ahead.

Additionally, the Spring Festival is deeply rooted in Chinese history and folklore. Various customs and activities are based on ancient traditions and legends. This celebration serves as a platform for passing down cultural heritage from generation to generation. It is a time for young and old to come together, learn about their ancestors, and appreciate their roots.


新年你通常干什么?用What do you usually do on New Year\'s day? with And family members eat dinner together和家...

On New Year\'s Day, I usually engage in various activities that bring joy and excitement. One of the key traditions is to have a festive gathering with family members and enjoy a special dinner together. This joyful meal signifies unity, love, and the start of a new year filled with blessings and good fortune.


Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last...

The Chinese Spring Festival is an important and highly anticipated celebration, marking the end of the cold winter months and embracing the arrival of spring. It is a time to gather with loved ones, enjoy delicious food, and exchange good wishes for the new year. This festival is characterized by vibrant decorations, joyful festivities, and a deep appreciation for Chinese cultural traditions and customs.


1. The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year, which typically falls in January or February. It is a time when Chinese people bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year with great joy and excitement.

2. Prior to the Spring Festival, people engage in various preparations and customs. They thoroughly clean their homes to sweep away bad luck and make way for good fortune. Additionally, people decorate their houses with red ornaments and couplets, symbolizing good luck and hope for the upcoming year. Shopping for new clothes, groceries, and gifts also forms a significant part of the preparations.


People usually have special food and give children some red packet to celebrate(庆祝)this festival in ...

During the Spring Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese people participate in various customs and traditions that reflect the unique characteristics of each festival.

During the Spring Festival, people have special food, such as dumplings and fish, to symbolize abundance and prosperity. The exchanging of red packets filled with money is also a common practice to bring good luck and blessings. Additionally, the festival is celebrated with fireworks, dragon and lion dances, and various cultural performances.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, people eat Zongzi, a traditional sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves, to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Dragon boat races and hanging up pouches of herbs are also popular activities during this festival.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people come together to appreciate the beauty of the full moon and enjoy mooncakes, a traditional delicacy filled with sweet or savory ingredients. Lanterns are lit and carried, and performances such as lion dances and traditional music are enjoyed.


Before the Spring Festival, I helped my parents to make preparations for the festival. We bought food from the market, cleaned the house, and decorated it with festive ornaments and flowers. It was a beautiful and festive atmosphere that filled our home with joy and anticipation. On New Year\'s Eve, we gathered around the dinner table and enjoyed a feast of traditional dishes. We exchanged blessings, gave and received red envelopes, and played traditional games together. We also set off fireworks and watched the colorful displays light up the sky. Throughout the holiday, we visited relatives and friends, exchanged greetings, and shared laughter and stories. It was a time filled with love, warmth, and cherished memories that will last a lifetime.