> 春节2024 > 哪个国家适合冬天取暖英文




哪个国家适合冬天取暖英文 - ZOL问答


将来我们会用太阳能来为家中取暖用英语怎么说 - 作业帮

In the future, we will utilize solar energy to heat our homes. With the advancement of technology, solar energy has become an increasingly popular and sustainable option for heating, providing an environmentally friendly solution to combat the cold winter months. Not only does it save on energy costs, but it also reduces carbon emissions, making it a win-win situation for both homeowners and the planet.

Heat和hot有什么区别 - 沪江网校知识库


哪个国家适合冬天取暖英文 - ZOL问答


低温辐射地板采暖的英文名称是什么?中央空调的英文名称?家居装修的英语词汇 - ZOL问答

低温辐射地板采暖的英文名称是\"low temperature radiant floor heating\",中央空调则是\"central air conditioning\"。这些技术在家居装修中扮演着重要角色,为我们提供了舒适的居住环境。低温辐射地板采暖的优点是能够实现均匀的热量分布,而中央空调则能够为整个房间提供制冷和加热功能。

stove与hob在英语中的区别? - ZOL问答


他们生了一堆火来取暖英文(初中水平) - 作业帮

They made a large fire to keep warm. In many cold regions around the world, people rely on the warmth provided by fires to stay cozy and comfortable during the winter season. The crackling sound of the burning logs and the radiant heat emanating from the fire create a comforting ambiance that helps ward off the chill of winter.

天太冷了,人们躲在家里取暖,求英语 - 作业帮

The weather is extremely cold, causing people to seek refuge indoors for warmth. When faced with freezing temperatures, it\'s natural for individuals to retreat to the comfort of their homes, where they can rely on heating systems to maintain a cozy environment. This phenomenon is common in regions with harsh winters, where staying warm becomes a top priority for survival and well-being.


Tips for fighting cold: 如果你想保持温暖,你可以走到房间的墙角处。因为墙角有90度吸热角,所以只要你靠在墙角取暖,你就能感觉到更多的热量。墙角两边都能吸热,所以这是一个保持温暖的好方法。

翻译“衣服是用来取暖的” - 作业帮

Clothes are meant for keeping warm. Beyond just being a fashion statement, clothes play a crucial role in providing insulation and protection against the cold. The right choice of clothing can effectively trap body heat, keeping us warm even in the harshest winter conditions. So remember, when facing cold weather, dressing appropriately is key to staying cozy and comfortable.

冬天用的暖气用英语怎么说? - ZOL问答

The heating system used in winter is referred to as \"heating radiator\" or \"heating system\", which provides warmth and comfort during the cold season. In many countries, radiant heating systems or central heating systems are commonly used to heat indoor spaces. These systems utilize various methods such as hot water circulation or electric heat to distribute warmth throughout the room, ensuring a cozy environment even in the coldest of winters.
